

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Art of Finishing

Are you someone who starts projects or begins something but never finishes? I am.

I'm constantly starting projects and coming up with new ideas. And being involved in the world of design, I will scrap a project in the middle.

I began thinking "what can I do to cure this self inflicted ailment?". So, I scoured the internet for solutions. I really didn't find much to fix this problem. So what did I do? I gave up.

Thats when it hit me! Some things are better left unfinished. I realized that some ideas are just bad ideas. Some projects deserve to be scrapped. Throughout a work week or day I have dozens of ideas. I couldn't possibly implement all of them. I engage in design projects all the time and half way into it I realize...its crap!

So don't feel guilty. It's my experience the ideas or projects I do complete or follow through on are worth finishing.

It might take hundreds of ideas before finding one thats worth pursuing. The key is to keep going.

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